Saturday will see the return of the Blitz Club’s popular Festival of Zider and Blitz Club Manager, Pale Ale, promises that it’s going to be a good one.
Mr Ale said “When you’ve finished buying Cheese, Chutney, Cauliflower, Cake, Cod and Cider at the Smalltown Cheese, Chutney, Cauliflower, Cake, Cod and Cider Festival why not pop into the Blitz Club for some more Cider?
We’ve got a whole apple cart full of different Ciders for people to try and there will be music as well. What more could you want?
Our Festival of Zider is always a popular event for the Smalltown Crowd, especially the ones who like cider, and we’ve got some great local ciders brewed from Somerset apples in especially for the event. Including
- Balls Bittersweet Bevvy
- Lady’s Finger Firewater
- Slack Me Girdle Please Squire
- Dullbridge Dictator Dunker
- Hoary Morning Glory
- Golden Knob Grog
- Puffin or Nuffin
- Squire’s Goblin
and the strongest Cider in the West – The Empire Strikes Back which is 93% proof.t’s like spacerocket fuel. A pint of that and you’ll be seeing stars. And I don’t mean the tribute type at the White Elephant Enclosure.”
SomersetClive Editor, Mr Clive Saint, Sir, will be propping up the bar during the event, thanks to the selection of Free Cider Vouchers he has received from the Blitz Social Club in exchange for publishing this. He has told the SomersetClive staff that the vouchers aew not a bribe as he will be ‘conducting research‘ and making ‘tasting notes‘ with a view to writing up a report at a later date. So that’s okay then.