Former Carnivoo Committee Chairman, Bill Old, has revealed that he was ousted from his position following a coup.
Mr Old had found himself in trouble after a letter was sent by the Carnivoo to the Easton-under-Water LGBTQWERTY+ group banning their entry, ‘What a Gay Day!’, from the Smalltown Carnivoo as it broke several Carnivoo rules, despite having already been accepted as an entry by the Home Of Carnivoo, Fridgpond, and claiming that it could cause offence as it was’ far too gay’.
Mr Old, who was replaced as Chairman by his sister, Ms Floraltree Old, has now revealed that as part of the reparation to the EOW LGBTQWERTY+, two prominent members of the group were invited to the Carnivoo Annual General Meeting, and it was during that meeting that the coup was sprung.
In an exclusive interview with SomersetClive, Mr Old said “I’m fed up of taking the blame for all this. It really isn’t fair and it’s time to tell what really happened.
Yes. An older committee member of the staid Smalltown community found the entry offensive and she asked if we should allow the EOW LGBTQWERTY to flaunt their deviancy as part of the Smalltown Carnivoo. The majority of the Committee agreed with her – including the homosexual members.
A decision was made to send a letter to the EOW LGBTQWERTY group, with a trumped up excuse outlining why the Committee was banning them from Smalltown. This is where I made my first mistake. I didn’t bother to read the letter the secretary, Vaughan Malicious, sent out.
As you know, all hell broke lose when the EOW LGBTQWERTY group released the letter to the public. Then came my second mistake.
I didn’t believe that Mr Malicious would have written anything which could be deemed offensive to the LGBTQWERTY community, what with him being a G himself and I couldn’t bear to see Carnivoo coming in for such a barrage of criticism, not just in Smalltown and Dullbridge but nationally. At this point I released a statement explaining the reasons for the decision.
Unfortunately I still didn’t bother to read the actual letter that Mr Malicious sent, so based my statement on what I thought he’d said.
Following a meeting between myself and the EOW LGBTQWERTY group I issued a proper apology and invited them along to the AGM. My third mistake was to assume that the matter was over and done with.
During our AGM, Mr Malicious, together with his close-friend Carnivoo Sheriff Madley Dangeridge, tabled a surprise motion to oust me as Chairman and put the Mr Dangeridge into the role.
I did try to point out that they should have added this proposal to an agenda, so that I would have time to mount a defence, but I was ignored, as the Committee felt someone should be made an example of to cover up their own mistakes. The Committee members also felt that because there were members of the EOW LGBTQWERTY group at the meeting they had no choice but to remove me from office.
Mr Malicious then proposed that Mr Dangeridge be appointed Chairman, but luckily the Committee accepted my proposal that the role be given to my sister, because there was no way I was going to let my Carnivoo fall into the hands of the conspirators.
I firmly believe that this whole sorry saga was planned from the start, with Mr Malicious and Mr Dangeridge working together to take over Carnivoo.
It is worth mentioning that Mr Dangeridge claims to be an event planner, whereas in fact his company, Tinpot Spurt Events, only actually supplies fencing to other events. I suspect that the plan to take over Carnivoo was so that he could claim he organised it all on his own and thus benefit from the exposure.
This is why our new Carnivoo advertising boards have the words ‘Tinpot Spurt Events’ at the bottom of each poster in larger lettering than the date and time of the Carnivoo.
I don’t have anything against the LGBTQWERTY community, I love them all. Except a couple of them.
Iwould agree that somebody had to take the blame for everything, however just because I was in charge, but not paying attention, I don’t see why it had to be me.”
Mr Old asked that his fee for this interview be donated to charity.
(Ed – What interview fee? I didn’t authorise an interview fee. Ask him for the money back.)
- Please note that this is an abridged version of our interview with Mr Old, as he actually said a lot more, but SomersetClive is aware that our readers have lives.