WEE ‘incredibly popular’ claim SPAM and SCAMPI

The Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council White Elephant Enclosure Mismanagement Committee has confirmed that they have issued rose-tinted spectacles to both the Smalltown Permanent Arts Manager (SPAM), Susie Cookbook and the Smalltown Culture and Arts Media Promotions Individual (SCAMPI), May Tricks.

The new spectacles have helped the pair to add a new overly-optimistic blog to the WEE website.

This week the duo are attempting to boost sales for a performance of The Invisible Man, boasting that the cast is made up of only three members who play all the roles.

You would think Susie Cookbook would steer clear of any performance with only three cast members, as it was whilst she was employed to run the Fishenham Town Council’s Elephant Field Theatre in Fishenham, that full refunds had to be issued to everyone following a production of ‘The World’s Worst Pantomime’ with audience members claiming that only three actors appeared on the stage and a lot of the dialogue took place behind curtains in the hope that no one would notice the lack of performers.

The duo hopefully point out that “tickets are still available” skillfully skimming over the fact that over three-quarters of the tickets are available, with less than 40 sold.

Don’t despair though, as Ms Cookbook and Ms Tricks point out “Our audiences are in for a huge treat with all the shows in the coming days and we can’t wait to see you all there!”

All thirty-eight of you.

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