Pranksy back in Smalltown?

Residents of Smalltown have been speculating that a new piece of graffiti art which appeared on a wall in a Smalltown car park this week is the work of world famous artist Pranksy.

The new artwork features an image said to be of a woman, together with one of Pranksy’s thought provoking social observations.

SomersetClive took to the Smalltown streets to ask people what they thought.

Ethel Dribble told us “Who? I’ve never heard of him. I’m 103 you know.”

George Grimly said “I haven’t seen it. Where is it?”

Thomas Cramp aged 4 said “It’s a really great piece of art, the best thing that’s happened in Smalltown for a very long time. I appreciate what the artist has to say, but I don’t think the car park is the best place for it.”

Smalltown Art Critic, Brian Sewer said “It’s an interesting social comment, isn’t it? The artist has obviously put a lot of thought into it.

However, I’m not entirely sure that it’s a Pranksy. I think we should be looking closer to home to find out who is responsible for this.”

Similar speculation took place in Dullbridge last November, when graffiti appeared on a wall in the town as SomersetClive reported here

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