WEE Mismanagement Committee fail to remove blinkers

A delighted Deputy Dictator Cllr Cruella Sherry revealed to her fellow Councillors on the Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council White Elephant Enclosure Mismanagement Committee, that the appearance of tribute band Slowlog Mackintosh was almost a sell-out and that tickets for the Patsy Slime tribute had seen a last minute small flurry of ticket sales.

The recent Comedy Club night saw only half the available 80 tickets sold, garnering the WEE £520 – against a ‘deposit’ for the event which has already paid of £650.

Cllr Sherry may like to reflect on some financial figures. If tickets for both tribute events had been sold on the basis that the tributes were performing free of charge, then the total amount into the WEE coffers would have been £7524.

Based on the latest expenditure figure for August of £24,794 – a sum which didn’t include the salaries of the new Smalltown Permanent Arts Manager (SPAM) or the new Smalltown Culture and Arts Media Promotions Individual (SCAMPI) – this would mean a minimum loss of £17,270 in September. Which, projected forwards across a year, could see a guesstimate lost of £207, 940, based on 12 months of similar figures.

Residents can look forward to seeing an awful lot of creative accounting going on across the remainder of the year with the WEE figures. Or as Former-Councillor Fencesitter put it “WEE income figures are always better in the last six months of the financial year than the first six months”, although quite how Former-Councillor Fencesitter arrived at the conclusion is baffling.

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