Squire Teflon found himself a bit hot under the collar recently after he falsely accused Former Councillor and Leader of the Dullbridge Liberation Front, Ellen Proves of being a ‘BeFuddled Pedo’ (sic).
His comment, based on absolutely no evidence whatsoever, was made during his astonishing Albanian Whiskey-fuelled diatrabe against the Local BeFuddled Party, when he also referred to Smalltown’s Most Popular Person, Jock McCads, as a ‘BeFuddled Letch’.
Smalltown and Dullbridge residents immediately rushed to Ms Proves defence, describing the Squire as ‘obnoxious’ , ‘arrogant’, ‘foul’ and ‘a disgusting human being’.
Squire Teflon has not yet responded to the comments, but it is understood that he has privately blamed his shocking outburst on a “bad batch of Albanian Whiskey”.
Several Smalltown and Dullbridge residents have also contacted SomersetClive to tell us of their own experiences with Squire Teflon with one telling us that, although they complained at the time, they felt their grievances were ignored and the Standards Board at the old Somerset Cuonty Council, which was packed full of the Squire’s fellow Illiberal Councillors, had closed ranks and had swept the issue under the carpet to protect the Squire.
Whether the next complaint will be treated in the same way by the BeFuddled-led All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council remains to be seen.
Whatever the verdict, Squire Teflon’s name and reputation now lie in tatters, as residents finally speak out about their own experiences over the years of bullying, threats and intimidation from the Squire.