Dullbridge residents have 13 working days left to request that an election be held in the Dullbridge ward to fill the seat recently vacated by Cllr Andy Rumm.
Cllr Rumm resigned last week citing irreconcilable differences with Dictator Dullard and Deputy Dictator Sherry which have affected his health.
In the first instance a letter requesting that an election be held must be signed by ten Dullbridge residents and sent to the old Sadgebore offices in Fridgpond, where it will probably get ‘lost’ on the way in a mountain of other undelivered mail currently stuck in Smalltown Sorting Office.
Should the request be successful then anyone thinking of standing as a candidate in the Dullbridge ward is advised that absolutely no experience is required, as they will be joining 15 other Councillors who don’t know what they are doing.
If an election request is not received then both the BeFuddled Party and the Illiberal Party will thrash it out between them to see who can come up with a candidate first.
Former Councillor Fencesitter has already been spotted touring local schools in the area to find a new teacher to fill the seat for the BeFuddled Party, whilst Squire Teflon’s close-friend and employer Mistress Bones is believed to be dusting off her running shoes again.
Don’t say we didn’t warn you.