BeFuddleds in a bind

The departure of Capt Rumm from the ranks of the Befuddleds occupying the Hayloft Road Retirement Home for Bemused and Bewildered BeFuddled Party ex-Teachers (and Others), leaves Squire Teflon licking his lips at the prospect of regime change.

The political balance of Smalltown & Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council has been delicate since the Squire lost his position as Smalltown’s most popular politician at last year’s election. Not that winning that title was much use to Jock ‘Balcony’ McCads given the Eileen Mutton affair.

Whilst the 17 remaining SaD Town Councillors might still represent quantity over quality, only eight are Befuddled. Relying on the infrequent attendance of Working Mens’ Party Cllr Leftcame is a high risk strategy when faced with seven illiberals and a NotBothered.

If a co-opted replacement or by-election winner were to be illiberal, Squire would be very close to regaining a lost Chair.

And you thought things couldn’t get worse?

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