This weekend
At the White Elephant Enclosure
Nothing. Yes. That’s right. Nothing. The David Towie tribute act which had been due to appear at the WEE tomorrow, September 9th, has been cancelled due to a lack of interest from Smalltown and Dullbridge residents led to very poor ticket sales. Mr Towie decided to cut his losses rather than appear on stage in front of an audience of two men and a dog.
At The Jetty
Smalltown’s famous singer Tom Portman has been using his music and entertainment contacts to bring a variety of acts to the Old Jetty Inn, now the South-West’s premier live music venue.
This weekend it’s all about the short, bald men with Bill Collins taking to the stage tonight, singing renditions of his hit songs including ‘In the Pier Tonight’ and ‘Another Day in Smalltownise’.
Tomorrow night John Elton trips the light fantastic and there will be lots of flouncing as his fans gather to hear his greatest hits.
Both of these events offer free entry and an opportunity to use the bar while you soak up the atmosphere of a real gig, as opposed to bring stuck in your seat until the interval at the WEE.