Smalltown Popstar releases another single

Smalltown Superstar Popstar Tailor Stoppem has released another new single this week, almost a year since his last release.

SomersetClive’s Toni Blackbird caught up with Tailor for a chat as he took a break from his busy schedule busking in local High Steeets to ask him about his latest recording.

“Hey man, how’s it goin? Yeah, I’m good thanks. So my new music, yeah? I wrote ‘High’ only a short while ago. I was getting high thanks to some special extra-strong medicinal herbs that I was smoking and I started thinking a lot about how much life moves and changes throughout time, like how much things change and move throughout time. I mean, what is time? Do any of us really know?

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about it and I know time is a beautiful thing and if we just let go of time and think about how much life changes and moves everything becomes so beautiful as it can all be when we let go of anything that may be holding us back emotionally, physically and spiritually. I have been letting go of time for some time now and it really is the most beautiful thing. That’s why I’m always late. I won’t let my life be governed by time.

We need to learn to trust in our path and cultivate a deep sense of time, space and love for ourselves and all that exists around us. If we all let go of time and sample some of these extra strong medicinal herbs it provides so much healing. We can all exist on this higher plain where time doesn’t matter because the trees and the grass and the medicinal herbs are all so beautiful and we can all embrace that and stuff. And don’t forget the love and peace. Time, love and peace. So beautiful.

I filmed the new video in Easton Woods. Man, have you been there? It’s incredible. It’s full of trees and grass, but not many extra strong medicinal herbs. But that’s okay. I took my own with me. It’s so beautiful up there. Nothing but trees and grass and paths.

Oh man. The paths! They meander through the trees, changing direction constantly. Time stands still in Easton Woods. You can follow the paths between the trees and change direction any time you want, you can really lose yourself.

In fact, I did lose myself. For a while I couldn’t see the wood for the trees and it took me weeks to find a way back out. It didn’t matter though, I had all the time in the world to find the right path, because I didn’t have anything else to do, other than just think about higher things.

But it’s not about the path you take is it? It’s about how beautiful and peaceful that path is. It’s a journey. We are all of us on a journey, from the cradle to the grave. If we can spiritually stop time then we can prolong the journey and spend lots of time thinking about the important things which surround us. Like how many Rizlas are left in the packet?

They put that little bit of paper in that says ‘Only 10 left’, but how do we know that’s true? We don’t know for sure. We just have to trust. We have to put our trust in the hands of the Rizla makers and hope they are being truthful.

So that’s basically what my new song is about, Toni. I really hope you like it and that time doesn’t drag for you when you listen to it.

I have a few more places to get lost in this summer and then I’m planning to take some time off for a little while and rest my voice.”

At this point Tailor stopped to take another puff on his strange cigarette and your SomersetClive Music Correspondent took advantage of the brief interlude in time to make a quick exit.

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