SPAM1 to start ‘soon’

Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council Deputy Dictator Cllr ‘Cruella’ Sherry has confirmed that Councillors who are members of both her White Elephant Enclosure Management Committee and Top Secret Human Resources Committee have been acting on the recommendations put forward by the Top Secret Consultants in their Top Secret Report, commissioned to answer the question ‘What is a WEE?’.

The Top Secret Consultants had previously explained that they couldn’t answer that question, but suggested that a new Elephant Wrangler might be able to help.

To that end SaDTC has been advertising for a Smalltown Provisional Arts Manager (SPAM1) and a Smalltown Permanent Arts Manager (SPAM2), with the former helping to run the WEE until the latter was in position.

Unfortunately, SaDTC has been unable to find anyone suitable for the role of SPAM1, but has received an offer from someone to come in for ten hours a week, to make it look as if things are happening at the WEE under the direction of the new controlling BeFuddled Party.

Therefore SPAM1 will now be employed on a week-to-week basis and will be expected to hit the ground running, working hard to promote performances scheduled to take place during August, which total ummmm none.

They will also be expected to quickly pick up the knowledge required to look at ticket sales and user numbers and immediately multiply them by four, although the use of a calculator is permitted.

Deputy Dictator also confirmed that interviews for the position of Smalltown Permanent Arts Manager (SPAM2) have taken place and that the Councillors who are members of both the WEE Mismanagement Committee and the Top Secret Human Resources Sub-Committee are hopeful that they have found a suitable candidate.

SomersetClive has consulted our Venn Diagram of Committees and Councillors and we can confirm that the Councillors who serve on both committees are Cllrs Sherry, Squire Teflon and Robert NotBothered.

A scrap is now scheduled to take place in the next couple of weeks as both Deputy Dictator Sherry and saviour of the WEE, Squire Teflon, vie for prominence in the publicity photographs announcing the appointment of the next Most Magnificent Elephant Wrangler Ever.

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