Dictator Dullard does it again

Headmistress, Mayor and Dictator Cllr Kelsey Dullard is to seek approval from Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council’s Finance and Misappropriation Committee tonight to spend on her already announced Climate Rescue Action Plan Festival (CRAP Festival).

Seeking funding of £1,940 from the £5,000 set aside in the budget for the Mayor’s Climate Rescue Action Plan (MY CRAP) Dictator Dullard once again demonstrates that she prefers to bypass protocol and do her own thing in her quest for domination.

Helpfully, for those councillors who may have missed her recent statement to the press, Dictator Dullard includes details of the event, which she has already scheduled to take place on September 30th to coincide with the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council’s Festival of Nothing.

Dictator Dullard confirms that she hopes to use CRAP Fest to raise awareness of her CRAP as well as provide new photo opportunities and yet another chance to make SaDTC all about her.

She will expect all residents in Smalltown and Dullbridge to take part, unless they can provide a letter from their Great Great Great Grandparent giving a valid reason for their absence.

Residents will be told how to do the things they are already doing to fight climate change and reduce waste, including turning off lights in rooms they aren’t using to save on electricity costs and putting cardboard, paper and other recyclable items into the bins provided, before putting them out for collection on bin day.

Dictator Dullard also hopes that the event will help more residents to discover Pinnacle Park, saying “I haven’t lived in the area for very long and have only just found the lovely Pinnacle Park. I think more residents should be given help to find it, because it’s a lovely place, perfect for walking, playing and fishing and it’s a shame that so few people know it is here on their doorsteps.”

Included in the breakdown of costs for the event, Dictator Dullard asks for the sum of £350 to cover the cost of a gazebo – seemingly unaware that SaD Town Council already own a gazebo, emblazoned with the Council name and coat of arms.

Alternatively, perhaps she plans to use the old gazebo as a tea tent and is encouraging SaD TC to purchase another gazebo. Which begs the question How many gazebos does a Dictator need?

One thought on “Dictator Dullard does it again

  1. thought they had more than one gazebo or do the ones used in the park for music events not count.? still not thier money they are wasting is it.

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