We’ve read it so you don’t have to

To save SomersetClive readers from the tedium of reading Headmistress, Mayor and Dictator Cllr Kelsey Dullard’s latest missive ‘What I did in the last two months‘, we have produced this handy cut out and keep guide to her latest speech, presented to Councillors and audience members at the recent Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council Full Council meeting.

Dictator Dullard’s Speech in full.

Word Count – 1694
I – 226 instances.
Me – 198
My – 174
We (Dictator Dullard and Deputy Dictator Sherry) – 156
We (Dictator Dullard and A. N. Other) – 126
Our (Dictator Dullard and Others) – 101
Us – 92
Residents – 2

This was a Public Service Announcement brought to you by SomersetClive. Happy to help.

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