In yet another attempt to try to interact with residents by catching them unawares when they are minding their own business and getting on with their lives, Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Councillors will be holding another poorly-attended Drop Out session.
The session will be held this morning at the Porland Community Hub, where residents will be trapped in a corner and asked for their views on the agenda items for the next SaD Full Town Council meeting, which will also be held at the Porland Community Hub the following Tuesday.
One of the few staff at SaD Town Council said “Staff at the Hayloft Road Palace Retirement Home for Bemused and Bewildered BeFuddled Party ex-Teachers (and Others) have promised Councillors that we will do our very best to produce the agenda for the Full Council in accordance with the Local Government Act and actually hope to have copies available at the Drop-out Session. This will be a full three working days before the meeting, which will be a first for us.
However, we aren’t going to put any effort into publicising the date and time of the Drop-out session, in the hope that many of the residents who normally visit the Porland Community Hub on a Wednesday morning won’t get wind of the fact that Councillors are going to be there and in this way we hope to be able to surprise them.”
This could well be the last chance that residents in Dullbridge will get to share their views on the White Elephant Enclosure and SaDTC wasting all the council tax Dullbridge residents pay on a facility which is mainly aimed at a very small number of residents in Smalltown, as the proposal to accept the Top Secret Consultants Top Secret Report is likely to be put before the Full Council on Tuesday by the White Elephant Enclosure Mismanagement Committee.
Imagine if, instead of agreeing to spend £170,000 from the SaDTC 2023/24 budget on the WEE, that money had been spent on the Porland Community Hub. The sum of almost £1 million pounds spent on the WEE over the last ten years blows the £10,000 of grant funding awarded by SaDTC to the Community Hub last year out of the water.