Another day, another End of Term Report and another BeFuddled under Dictator Dullard’s microscope. Is there no end to them?
Captain Andy Rumm
BeFuddled Party
Captain Rumm has experienced some difficult understanding which committees he is on. He serves on the Town Unimprovements and Planning and Scheming Committees but has been known to turn up at Finance and Misappropriation meetings, where he isn’t a member.
His attendance has been poor at 56% as he has only attended 15 out of a possible 27 meetings.
He was even absent from two of my own Full Council meetings, missing my lengthy lectures, which is unforgiveable.
However, he did redeem himself by accompanying me on my ‘Fact finding tour of Dullbridge’ to help me get a better picture of the area I’m moving to, and as a result of this, he received a mention on Mike Maxman’s website.
He is a member of Cllr. Patsy Knickers Fun Police group, and is determined to cut back on council expenditure for such things as The Festival of Fireworks and the WEE.
Effort: 1/10
Achievement: 1/10
Conclusion: Captain Morgan struggles in his English lessons and as such should never be allowed to send unsupervised emails. He is unlikely to achieve anything.