Mystic Mick spot on AGAIN

Smalltown’s World famous Psychobabbler Mystic Mick has yet again kept his 100% record of accurate predictions.

Yesterday Mystic told SomersetClive that, with the help of his Japanese spirit guide, Hero Shima, he could see Dictator Dullard remain in her role as Headmistress and Mayor of Smalltown and Dullbridge and Lo! It came to pass.

At last night’s meeting of the Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council Full Council Meeting, held at the Hayloft Road Palace Retirement Home for Bemused and Bewildered BeFuddled Party ex-Teachers (and Others), Councillors unanimously voted to reappoint Dictator Dullard, mainly because they were too scared not to.

Councillor Eugenie Sherry will also continue in her own role as Deputy Dictator and Mayor.

However, in a surprising turn of events, Cllr Patsy Knickers was stripped of her chains of Deputy Mayor office. The circumstances which led to her removal have not yet been confirmed, but it is believed that she had objected to Dictator Dullard claiming credit for the Climate Rescue Action Plan, which Cllr Knickers wrote.

In an even more shocking twist the role of Second Deputy Mayor was given to Cllr Robert NotBothered, of his own Initforhimself Party.

It has long been Cllr NotBothered’s wish to be SaD Mayor, mainly to keep his wife, former Illiberal Party Sadgebore District Councillor Jane NotBothered, happy.

Indeed, during a long and unnotable time as a SaD Town Councillor Cllr NotBothered has previously served as a BeFuddled Party member, leaving when they refused to support his desire to be Mayor. He then joined the Illiberal Party and was successfully elected, only to find that the Illiberals also wouldn’t support him in his bid to become Mayor, so it’s third time lucky for Cllr NotBothered.

We asked Mystic Mick why he hadn’t told us that Cllr NotBothered would be appointed as Deputy Mayor and he told us “You didn’t ask.”

However, Mystic did reveal the reason why Cllr NotBothered has finally seen his dream come true, telling us “Now that Cllr Jock McCads has been banned from Hayloft Road Palace, the BeFuddleds need to take drastic action to ensure they still hold a majority in the council chambers.

Making Cllr NotBothered a Deputy Mayor means that the BeFuddleds can be guaranteed of his support.”

Mrs NotBothered was over the moon with her husband’s appointment, as it means she can get her big hats back out of storage. Husband Robert was similarly delighted as Mrs NotBothered had promised him a night out of his dog kennel if he was successful.

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