Another Drop Out

Dictator Dullard and Deputy Dictators Sherry and Knickers will be waiting to see you.

Once again Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Councillors will be holding another poorly-attended Drop Out session this morning, with residents invited to attend to discuss their views on the agenda items for the next SaD Full Town Council meeting, which will be held at the Hayloft Road Palace Retirement Home for Bemused and Bewildered BeFuddled Party ex-Teachers (and Others) on Monday.

Having left it until the very last minute to announce the date SaD Town Council is hoping that very few residents will turn up today to the Drop Out meeting which will be held between 10am and noon at Smalltown Library.

However, anyone who is either retired or unemployed who may be planning to change or renew their library books this morning could always tell Dictator Dullard (and any other councillors who may be lurking between the book shelves) exactly what they think of their latest plan for the White Elephant Enclosure.

Alternatively, SomersetClive would recommend that residents wait until this afternoon to visit the library.

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