Pub to reopen

Inside the Jetty Inn
Inside of the Jetty Inn

Local singer and songwriter, Tom Portman, has announced that he had taken over the lease of Smalltown’s Jetty Inn and plans to reopen it as the South West’s premier music venue.

Tom said “The minute I stepped through the door I could see that the Jetty Inn has great potential. It’s exactly what I’m looking for.

I’ve thought for a while that what Smalltown really needs is a music venue. Somewhere people can go to see singers and bands perform. Look at this place it’s perfect! There’s a space for a mixing desk, with lots of plug sockets. And look at this! There’s a stage. You could easily get a five-piece band on there. I’m going to turn this room behind the stage into a dressing room, so the bands have somewhere to go to get changed.

It’s incredible and I can’t believe no one has thought of doing this before in the Jetty.

I’m planning to have a good mixture of local bands, national bands and international bands, with live music nights four times a week.

There’s a real shortage of places in Smalltown where you can buy a ticket to see a band. Apart from a few shows at the Blitz Social Club and the White Elephant Enclosure there isn’t anywhere else where you have to pay to see live music, the other local pubs put on musical acts for free, so this really will be a first for Smalltown.”

The Jetty Inn is currently closed for redecoration, but Mr Potman hopes to have it open by the end of May.

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