Match report

Residents of Smalltown and Dullbridge were narrowly outnumbered by Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council staff members, Town Councillors and their families at the Annual Towns Meeting last night, leading to several residents claiming that their numbers would have been higher if only they had known the meeting was on.

We could have fielded a much stronger team” said Iris Shufflebottom, “But nobody told us about the meeting beforehand. Most of us don’t do this new-fangled technology so we can’t look on the Hinterland to find out information.”

However, SaD Headmistress, Mayor and Dictator Cllr Dullard refuted this suggestion saying “Actually we still had a couple of Councillors on the reserve bench, plus members of their families and several more staff members who were unable to make it tonight. Had I brought my full team there is no way the residents could have matched our numbers.”

Dictator Dullard opened the meeting by thanking everyone for coming before boring those in attendance senseless by reading out her eight page essay titled ‘My First Year in Charge‘.

Residents were then given the opportunity to ask questions and bring issues of concern to the attention of Councillors. Unfortunately, by this stage in the proceedings your trusty reporter had fallen asleep and so we are going to have to wait until someone who managed to stay awake contacts us before we can bring you the full match results.

However, we can confirm that tea was served at the end of the meeting, together with a selection of biscuits, most of which were snapped up by Cllr Robb Apprentice-Candlestick Maker who had forgotten to take his packed lunch to school earlier in the day.

Were you at the meeting? Did you manage to stay awake? Please contact SomersetClive if you can tell us what happened.

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