Residents query costs

Smalltown and Dullbridge residents have questioned why the Community Champion Citizen Citation Certificate Awards has grown from a simple church service to a full blown gala event with food and wine for 50 guests.

The gala event, held on Wednesday night, saw six Community Champion Citizens presented with their awards during a ceremony held at the White Elephant Enclosure, with Headmistress Mayor, Cllr Kelsey Dullard, and Deputy Headmistress Mayor, Cllr Eugenie Sherry, presenting the citations during the evening.

Pre-Covid the Citation Certificates were always handed out during the annual Civic Service held at St Genesius Church in Smalltown at minimal cost to Council Tax Payers.

Several residents contacted SomersetClive to ask why the event has now been turned into yet another opportunity for the Mayor to throw a party, as well as questioning whether Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council paid the going rate to hire the WEE for the evening.

One reader said “I don’t want to detract from the Champion Citizens who were honoured with a Community Citation Award.

But it seems to me that the Smalltown Administration Guru (SAG), Katie Guru, spends more of her time organising parties for the Mayor then she spends ensuring that Council decisions are above board.

We have had Youth Awards with the Mayor spending cash to hire a school to hand out medals, the Mayor’s Gala Fundraising Ball – a party for the BeFuddled Party, both organised by Council Staff and now this. No wonder our Council Tax has increased so much.”

Another resident questioned if SaDTC paid the going rate to hire the WEE for the evening.” “Did they have to pay the compulsory charge to hire a Technician to operate the light switches during the evening, on top of the usual hire charge? Or did they qualify for ‘Mates Rates’?

It’s all very well to treat fifty people, including Councillors, to a bash with free wine and food, but what about those of us who are struggling to feed their families and heat their homes? Will we all get a slap up party and awards for surviving the cost of living crisis?”

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