Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Mayor and Headmistress emerged from hiding and took centre stage at the recent Dullbridge Arts Summit for a photo opportunity.
The Mayor ditched her normal scissors or rubbish bag accessories and adopted a more formal pose, better suited to her new role as Dictator.
With her hands clenched firmly by her side the Mayor showed that she is not going to take any nonsense from a critical electorate, who are still incensed by her behind-the-scenes collusion with the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council Leader, Phil Crivens and his Branch Manager, Peter Bitterman.
With accusations still flying that she acted beyond her remit, having agreed the fate of the ‘Dangerous Tree’ prior to seeking SaD Town Council agreement and without allowing any input from anyone else, other than a friend, and should resign, Mayor
Cllr Dullard has refused to respond.
Body Language expert, Trudy Legg, told SomersetClive “We professionals call this the ‘F@ck you’ stance. It’s a solid pose and is intended to demonstrate that the person is immovable. If you are expecting an apology or admission of wrong-doing then this pose clearly shows that you are not going to get either.
This is a look adopted by world leaders who firmly believe that they do not have to listen to nor accept the views of others.”