Lady Brassy sums up SaDACT Award Ceremony frocks

Self-styled stylist and Co-leader, together with Squire Teflon’s close-friend Mistress Bones of the Smalltown Shops (SS) Group, Lady Brassy of Easton-under-Water has been sharing her opinion of the latest fashion trends seen on the sticky carpet at the Smalltown and Dullbridge Academy of Culture and Theatre (SaDACT) awards ceremony, held on Saturday night in the backroom of the Blitz Social Club.

Sharing her views with SomersetClive Lady Brassy said “Wow, wow, wow! What a really really really amazing array of lovely lovely lovely outfits!

I was particularly taken by the wonderful wonderful wonderful ensemble worn by Lady Lala, who stepped onto the stage WEARING a gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous bright pink fluffy dressing gown, which she’d paired with the sweetest sweetest sweetest pair of fluffy pink cowboy boots. That’s definitely going to be a LOOK I’ll be promoting in my second hand clothes shop, Brassy Charity Shop Find Coutures.

I was also STRUCK dumb dumb dumb by singer Brianna’s choice of raincoat and Wellington boots. Endlessly classic classical class and perfect for SUMMER in Smalltown.

Ana Conder looked absolutely super super super in what appeared to be a 1980s ra-ra skirt, complete with a ruffle and puffle blouse, AND with a sweatshirt tied provocatively around her waist. I have lots of examples of all three of these items for SALE in my shop.

A special special special MENTION to Smalltown’s Thelma Haystack, who had removed the net curtains from the windows of her semi-detached house in Jim Street, wrapping them tightly tightly tightly around her body and highlighting her curves. I’m going to be SCOURING the Smalltown charity shops curtain section this week, in the hope hope hope of building on her INSPIRATION.

Helle Barry showed us older older older ladies that age is no barrier to STYLE, strutting her stuff in a pair of pink jeans with a pink ruffle blouse and a pink bobble hat. I just love love love the colour pink. If you love the colour pink too then be SURE to pop pop pop into my shop where you can take your pick of my old cast-offs.

It LOOKS as if Florence Phew has been trawling the rails in the charity shops too and managed to find an incredible incredible incredible piece of marvellous Spangle. Her outfit really does shout .. HEY.. It’s so not WHAT you wear .. it’s, absolutely, HOW you wear it.

Well.. Nicola Sydenham. Always a surprise And I’ve said it before. The odd piece that I really, really really do like enough to WEAR drops through the shop door every now and again. I believe Nicola wore a winter ‘throw over’ oversized blanket in a lovely striking rich pink. This is a piece of quite spectacular though .. tbf
AND .. I would wear this. It’s actually ACE.

DON’T forget that I currently have LOTS LOTS LOTS of OUTFITS similar to these sticky carpet looks and MORE than suitable for PROM in the shop.

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