Smalltown residents were dismayed to see that vandals had struck the seafront at some point over the last week.
Resident Oliver Fume contacted SomersetClive to say “It’s awful. They’ve splashed yellow paint everywhere along the Promenade. It’s a total eyesore. What sort of welcome does that give to visitors?”
We sent a reporter down to investigate and then called the department of Roads and Transport (RAT) at the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council who told us “Actually this isn’t the work of anonymous vandals. We authorised this wanton vandalism ourselves to stop anyone parking along that stretch of road.
By splashing 94 tins of yellow paint all over the kerbs and pavements we hope to highlight to any visually impaired drivers, who may be unable to see the double yellow lines that mark the area out as a No Parking Zone, that they can’t park there.”
Residents are reminded that under Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council’s Climate Rescue Action Plan (CRAP) no one will be allowed a car anyway.