Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council has confirmed that several councillors are set to go on strike tomorrow during a protest against the lack of biscuits on offer during meetings held at the Hayloft Road Palace Retirement Home for Bemused and Bewildered BeFuddled Party ex-Teachers (and Others).
Headmistress and Mayor Cllr Kelsey Dullard said “It’s bad enough that we have to arrive early for meetings if we want a lovely cup of tea, but the lack of biscuits in the staff room is appalling. We asked the Smalltown New Administration Guru Katie Global to take some money from petty cash to buy some HobNobs, but she refused.
Katie Global has squandered the opportunity to avoid strike action but she has been unwilling to seriously engage with us, so we see no alternative but to down tools for the day.
As ex-Teachers we are horrified by the conditions we are expected to work in. And this No-Biscuit policy is the final straw. We are used to frequent tea breaks and long holidays and Katie Global has refused to allow us to occupy the staff room out of hours. She needs to get a grip.”
It is thought that the impending strike will not have the slightest effect on the work rate at Hayloft Road Palace as the councillors barely do anything anyway.
However, former SaD Town and current Sadgebore District Councillor Fencesitter has confirmed that he may well stay away from his keyboard and not comment on any social media posts in support of his BeFuddled Party colleagues.
Cllr Fencesitter said “I thoroughly support this impending action organised by my BeFuddled Party recruits, although it’s a shame that it has come to this.
Councillors should try to set an example and not disrupt the work of SaD Town Council, therefore I’m afraid I can’t really support this action.”
Squire Teflon commented “Some of these BeFuddled Party Councillors need to come to our SaDTC White Elephant Enclosure Mismanagement Committee meetings. We have wall-to-wall biscuits there. What else do you think we spent the astronomical budget money on?”
SomersetClive understands that, since the newly elected councillors took their seats last May, this will be the first time that any action has been seen at Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council.