SCAM farewell party held

The Smalltown Culture and Arts Manager (SCAM), Debby Karmary, was thanked for her work during a party held last night to celebrate her leaving the position at the White Elephant Enclosure.

Members of the Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council WEE Mismanagement Committee and Bellend Cafe users were all treated to a glass of wine to bid the SCAM farewell.

Cllr Eugenie Sherry, chairperson of the WEE Management Committee said “Debby came to the WEE just over three years ago and almost immediately the place was closed due to the Corvid pandemic, meaning that she had to ‘work from home’. She never really recovered from that and has continued to work from home, providing the most incredible facts and figures to support her work. None of which stood up to close scrutiny.

It is testament to the impact on the theatre and those who enjoy it that so many people have gathered here to say goodbye.”

The twelve people who attended the party, including members of the WEE Mismanagement Committee and Headmistress and Town Mayor Cllr Kelsey Dullard, all raised a glass at this point.

The SCAM said “I’d like to thank my previous boss – former Smalltown Head Administration Guru (SHAG) Tanya Summer, Squire Teflon and Cllr Eloise Barking for their support. The rest of you can go to hell.

I’d like to say good luck to the new WEE Mismanagement Committee in your endeavours to make the WEE a success. Looking at the makeup of the committee I’d say you haven’t a cat in hell’s chance.

One piece of advice I would give you: figure out what it is you want please and then tell everybody.

If you want someone to develop the business then I suggest you make that quite clear to whoever comes into this role, because you can’t employ someone one year and then change the job description and your expectations a couple of years down the line.

The WEE is an incredible building. If walls could talk they could tell you so much about what has happened here over the last three years and I will have no qualms in revealing all of it to an industrial tribunal.

Squire Teflon then apologised to the SCAM again, thanking her for their close working relationship and saying “If only the BeFuddleds had apologised to you as we both hoped they would, instead of insisting that you try to make this place less of a drain on council tax resources.

Please promise me that you won’t mention how I didn’t pay to store Mistress Bones World-record beating Olympic-Sized Ice Rink at the WEE.”

It is not yet known when or if Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council will advertise the vacant position.

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