WEE protest

A small group of users of the White Elephant Enclosure held a photoshoot on Sunday to highlight their upset at the rumours that Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council are considering closing the WEE.

So far the only rumours that the WEE could close have come from Squire Teflon and haven’t been endorsed by the controlling BeFuddled Party who have instead highlighted their desire to spend less council tax payers money on the venue.

However, this didn’t stop former WEE manager, Pam Pickle, from whipping up a frenzy amongst the various groups and societies who do use the WEE. Encouraging them to turn up to protest Pam said “Our lovely precious WEE is under threat. If she means anything to you please come along to the photo op. Please tell all your pals.”

A further post from once in a blue moon user, Josie Maddness claimed that the BeFuddleds plan to close the WEE and turn it into the new Hayloft Road Palace – despite this having never even been discussed by SaD Town Councillors.

Although the timing of the photo protest coincided with a full dress rehearsal of the Smalltown and Dullbridge Pantomime Society very few people turned up, leading to Pam having to drag people in from the cafe and pavement outside to take part, with the total number appearing in the photo a mere 52 people – although it should be noted that this is at least four times the number who turn up to watch any shows which take place at the WEE.

It would appear that Squire Teflon is working very hard on his plan to embarrass the BeFuddled Party into continuing to throw money at the failing WEE in the face of strong opposition from the majority of residents who are fed up of seeing ever increasing year-on-year losses. Whether or not he has promised Pam Pickle her manager job back if the WEE stays open, remains to be seen.

Local BeFuddled Party Councillors are said to be “Really rather annoyed” at this attempt to undermine their authority by organising a protest against them inside a builring which they are ultimately responsible for and may mean that they will look more favourably on any approach made to them by Padraig Irishh to take over running the WEE.

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