Residents in Smalltown have been reporting a strange smell in the Kidlington Street area of the town.
Contacting SomersetClive, Sean Spliff said “The whole of Kidlington Street stinks, there’s something rotten there for sure.“
Some residents likened the smell to rotten eggs and experts have confirmed the possibility of a highly toxic gas leak in the area with some claiming that it could be linked to the recent rumblings emanating from Mount Teflon. “The recent shift in seismic activity centres around the Kidlington and Jetty Streets area of Smalltown and it is not unusual to detect high levels of toxic fumes and noxious gasses, as Teflon lurches towards to combustion.”
However, others felt it was the sickly sweet odour of death and decay. Kevin Gorey said “Something has definitely died around there. I recognise the smell. Perhaps it’s Squire Teflon’s last shred of dignity?”
Residents have been advised to avoid the area and not to introduce any naked flames into the vicinity.
Wise advice. Best keep anything naked away from Squire Teflon!