Councillors discover what it means

Seven months after taking on the role of town councillor the new intake at Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council have finally discovered what is expected of them as councillors in terms of their behaviour.

Circulating copies of the Local Government Association Parish Council Code of Conduct, the Smalltown New Administration Guru, Katie Global said “All councils are required to have a local Council Code of Conduct and this document will explain the behaviour that is expected of you as a Councillor.

Everyone in public office, who serves the public should uphold the Nolan Sisters Principles and should always act with integrity and honesty, to act lawfully, to treat all persons fairly and with respect, and to lead by example in a way that secures public confidence in the role of a Councillor.

In addition all Councillors need to agree that they will impartially exercise their responsibilities in the interest of the local community, will not improperly seek to confer an advantage or disadvantage on any person, will avoid conflicts of interest, and will ensure that public resources are used prudently in accordance with the public interest.”

Although all the councillors agreed that the Code of Conduct was a jolly good thing and enthusiastically agreed to abide by the rules, it is not yet currently known how they plan to square the problem of using public resources prudently and in the public intetest with throwing yet more money at The White Elephant Enclosure, leading to impudence becoming the keyword.

In addition Councillors were also reminded that they will not bully or harass any person, nor use their position to gain an advantage for themselves or anyone else.

It is believed that Squire Teflon, who recently successfully campaigned against the Intergalactic MarketFair and secured funding for the Smalltown Shops ‘A Winter War’ on behalf of his close-friend and employer, Mistress Bones, without declaring a conflict of interest, as well as having form for bullying and harrassing residents, signed up to the Code of Conduct with his fingers crossed behind his back.

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