BeFuddleds consider approach

Rumours have been circulating in Smalltown that Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council is to consider selling the White Elephant Enclosure to large corporate entertainment company CliveNation.

A spokesrobot for CliveNation said “It’s top secret at the moment, but I can confirm that we have been approached by the BeFuddled Party members of SaDTC to ask if we would be interested in buying the WEE for 50p.

We understand that, currently, it is a huge drain on council finances and the council are struggling to come up with a viable business plan. As an established entertainment company, we already run a successful music hall in Cardiff and we’d be very interested in adding the WEE to our portfolio.”

A spokesperson for the Smalltown and Dullbridge BeFuddled Party said “It’s top secret at the moment, but I can confirm that an approach has been made to top musical entertainment company CliveNation to take the White Elephant Enclosure off our hands and solve our headache of what to do with it.

Current members of the WEE Mismanagement Committee have absolutely no experience of running any type of business, let alone an entertainment business, so it would make sense for us to give up playing at being theatre impresarios and let the professionals give it a go.

They can’t possibly make more of a pig’s ear out of it than SaDTC has done over the last ten years.”

CliveNation specialise in selling tickets and holding events featuring tribute bands, and currently have over 294 BABA tribute acts on their books.

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