WEEWEE is go!

Smalltown Culture and Arts Manager (SCAM) Debby Karmary has confirmed that the White Elephant Enclosure will be opening its doors to residents who are feeling the cold over the winter as part of Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council’s White Elephant Enclosure Warm Energy Endeavour (WEEWEE).

“I didn’t really want to have to do this, because having people coming into the WEE and getting under my feet will make work for me, but the SaD Town Councillors have told me that I need to at least double the number of users at the WEE in order to justify the new budget.” The SCAM said.

Hopefully this WEEWEE scheme will see an increase in user numbers and everyone can stop going on about what a waste of money the WEE is.

I’ve managed to secure some funding from the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council, so we will be offering free tea to everyone and SaDTC Headmistress and Mayor Kelsey Dullard will be attending every session, so that’s at least one extra user.

Two of my minions have cleared out the broom cupboard under the stairs and we will be inviting residents of Smalltown to drag themselves out into the cold to come to the WEE where they can be packed like sardines into the cupboard where I hope their combined body heat will mean I don’t have to waste money turning the heating on.

At the end of each WEEWEE session I will be turfing them back out into the cold to make their way home again.”

The sessions will be run for two mornings a week and may well prove more popular than any of the other schemes the SCAM has come up with to get users through the doors of the WEE.

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