Lady Brassy issues congratulations

Lady Brassy of Easton-under-Water has shared her congratulations and thanks to herself for the marvellous work she has done organising the Smalltown Shops ‘A Winter War’ Smalltown Christmas Lights Switch On.

In a statement released yesterday Lady Brassy said “There are moments in life that often make me realise what a wonderful and very, very, very, very important person I am. It’s those moments that make blowing your own trumpet every bit worth while.

Each time I start out organising these events I keep it loose from the off as goodness knows too tight a plan will set a plan too far the challenge. (Ed – What? What does that mean? Dunno, Mr Editor, Sir, it’s what’s written here.)

So I give it time, I chat things over with my fellow SS members Squire Teflon and his very close friend and employer Mistress Bones.

We share crazy ideas and we pull out the bits we can make a reality between us. Mainly based on the amount of grant funding the Squire can obtain from his fellow councillors on Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council.

I make it our plan to go with the flow, listen to me and see what comes…
Then I embrace what feels right.. and find the people to do all the hard work whilst I reflect in the glory.

That said… Very well set in amongst my very first plan for my very first event this time last year, (the very first time Smalltown had ever had a Christmas Lights Switch on Event and which was all my idea) I quite firmly imagined a beautiful traditional Lantern Parade to light up our streets as a finale to our day of celebration … and so there it began …

Last year I was underwhelmed by the amount of children, and their adults, carrying little paper lanterns they had made at school and home after collecting craft packs from our shops throughout town ..

I pulled it together in just a few weeks. I really am so very, very, very, very clever.
And I knew I had the beginnings of something really, really, really, really, really special. Something I could be proud to build on and, given the right amount of attention, watch grow year by year and encourage into becoming a local festive ‘tradition’ – a Christmas Lights Switch On event in Smalltown, something which no one else had ever thought of organising before.

It’s something I can be proud of having brought to Smalltown. A Christmas Lights Switch On event was entirely my own idea. No one else’s at all. Just me.

The Lantern Parade, which was totally my idea and came to me in a dream, is something our local children will look back on in years to come with a huge sense of nostalgia. Imagine them ten years from now, gathered in Chateau Gardens swigging cider from a can and saying to each other “Do you remember when we took part in Lady Brassy’s Amazing, Incredible Lantern Parade which was all her own idea?” “No? Did we? That sounds rubbish. Pass the spliff.”

This year Squire Teflon was able to get me even more money from SaDTC and I’ve been able to spend it on an incredible package of the most amazing local performers, many of whom took part in my other amazing, incredible aplatinum Jubilee Celebration and if you were lucky enough to come along to that you’ll have seen most of them already.

I can’t tell you how proud I am to be ultimately building and growing the idea of a newfound ‘tradition’.. a finale of the most beautiful Lantern Parade at our town’s Christmas Light Switch On’s

There’s a lot of moments you really shouldn’t miss at this Saturday’s event …

A Beautiful Lantern Parade travelling through the town.. ending with carols at the Town Christmas Tree (not the one which is outside The George Hotel, where the Snalltown Christmas Tree has been sited since time immemorial – until Squire Teflon agreed with Mistress Bones that it would be better to locate it at her end of town and secured the agreement of SaDTC to move it, because SaDTC funds shouldn’t be used to promote a business) will most definitatly (sic) be up there with the best of them.

Forget the actual Christmas Lights Switch On event. My Lantern Parade is what it’s all about and I hope you’ll join me in thanking me for having the stupendous idea in the first place.

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