New reality show for SaD

Members of Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council have signed up to take part in a new reality show. ‘I’m a SaD Councillor – Get Me A Chair’ will see councillors pitch whatever wits they have against each other to be crowned ‘King or Queen of Hayloft Palace’.

Each contestant will face various difficult challenges during their time in Hayloft Palace, including attempting to balance the books, coming up with ways to disguise the loss made by the White Elephant Enclosure, attempting to update the SaDTC website, navigating their way to Dullbridge, and drinking as many lovely cups of tea as possible.

Over the next few days SomersetClive will be taking a look at each of the 18 contenders for the title and assessing their chances of lifting the chair. We are kicking off with the female contestants.

Town Mayor and Headmistress at the Hayloft Road Palace Retirement Home for Bemused and Bewildered BeFuddled Party ex-Teachers (and Others) Kelsey Dullard is expected to do well in the tea drinking challenges and also the early morning Assembly motivational speeches directed to her fellow councillors.

Deputy Town Mayor and Head of Human Resources, Cllr Eugenie Sherry, will attempt to stamp out wasting money on frivolous things but will let herself down by scoring too highly with reasons for why SaDTC should continue to pour money into the White Elephant Enclosure.

Long-time Councillor Prue Hairdresser will be limiting her participation to the challenges she feels she knows something about. Expect contributions to challenges concerning paint colours and flower arranging

Cllr Patsy Knickers will be on hand to remind all the other Councillors about their carbon emissions. She will also be encouraging all Councillors to do their duty to reduce their carbon to a negative amount. Cllr Knickers has a Doctor’s Certificate exempting her from any challenges which may involve fun.

Illiberal Party Councillor Julia Slurry brings a wealth of glowering and glaring experience to the Council Chamber. She will use her skills to try and prevent BeFuddled Party Councillors from completing their own challenges.

Cllr Catty Staring won’t be taking part, as she didn’t expect to get elected in the first place and doesn’t really know what she is doing. Instead, she will stay at home and bake cakes.


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