Carnivoo puts Smalltown on the map!

Not banned

National media outlets have been raving about the Dullbridge and Smalltown Carnivoo and the names of the two towns are now on everyone’s lips, shining a spotlight on Carnivoo.

The increase in interest is focused on the decision of the Dullbridge and Smalltown Carnivoo Committee (DaSCC) to ban the Easton-under-Water Pride Group’s entry from taking part in the Smalltown Carnivoo, as we reported on Monday.

In a letter sent to the group a member of the DaSCC confirmed that entry had been denied because the name ‘What a Gay Day!’ would be ‘likely to cause offence’ and the Committee said that they had ‘concerns over how the public would react’ to rainbow flag wavers, implying that this sort of thing would not go down well with Dullbridge and Smalltown residents who, in the Committee’s opinion, are not as tolerant of the LGBT community as the rest of the UK.

After a period of deafening silence DaSCC Chairman, Bill Old, finally responded to the criticism from residents, Carnivoo Clubs and the entire country saying “It has taken me 48 hours to come up with a response to this and I can confirm that there was absolutely no homophobia behind this decision. We are an all-inclusive event, except when it comes to openly LGBT entries.

My concerns about allowing this group to enter our Carnivoo centred around the potential of excessive advertising. Although we allow businesses and charities to take part in Carnivoo, handing out leaflets and promoting their cause, we felt that this entry would be promoting something that shouldn’t be promoted.”

SomersetClive asked Mr Old if that was really the best explanation that he could come up with for banning the entry and he told us “They weren’t banned. We just told them that they couldn’t take part.

The Committee are now going to spend some time thinking up a better excuse, as well as hoping that the whole matter will be forgotten in a day or two. I’m not going to make any further comment on the subject.

Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) BeFuddled PartyTown Council member Cllr Rob Apprentice-Candlestick-Maker also waded into the debate saying “I’m shocked, stunned, stupified, surprised and speechless at this news.

He then firmly laid the blame at his Council’s feet, saying “Instead of judging it by name, the Council should have found out what they were planning to put into the procession.”

As the Town Council’s only involvement was to award a grant to DASCC it would appear that Cllr Apprentice-Candlestick-Maker needs to concentrate on his homework and stop making comments on things he clearly knows nothing about.

Meanwhile, there have been calls for SaDTC to ask for their grant funding to be returned, as their own rules stipulate that money will not be given to any organisation which practises discrimination in any form.

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