Super, stupendous, superb, spectacular, sublime spectacle returns to Smalltown

Spectators turned out in droves to watch the spectacular Dullbridge and Smalltown Carnivoo last night as it returned to the town following a two year break due to the Corvid pandemic.

The crowd were beyond thrilled to see the Carnivoo carts wend their way from Tescoes through the streets of Smalltown before finishing nowhere near Dullbridge, with many of those enjoying the spectacle failing to put a penny into the charity collection tins.

The colourful bright lights, the loud music and the performers all helped to bring the spirit of Carnivoo to Smalltown and the gasps of appreciation helped to make the atmosphere one of sheer enjoyment.

Carnivoo Chairman, Bill Old, said “It was a great Carnivoo and it was wonderful to see the time and effort the Carnivoo clubs put into their entries. Some of them were quite good.”

Bill’s comments were echoed by members of the crowd, who spoke to SomersetClive about their experience.

Absolutely amazing – loved every minute of it” – Ayrton Senna

Incredible, I didn’t even notice the rain” – Julia Roberts

Brilliant Carnivoo as always.” – Hugh Grant

My first time seeing the Carnivoo. It was fantastic.” – Carmen Miranda

I love Carnivoo. All that noise and pollution. We should have it every week.” – Rhys Ifans

Unbelievable” – P. Ele

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