The recent Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council Town Unimprovements Committee Meeting, where councillors agreed to give £4194 funding to the Christmas Light Switch on in Smalltown, also saw a brief discussion about similar funding for Dullbridge.
Smalltown’s Most Popular Person (Dullbridge Public Enemy Number One) Jock McCads briefly mentioned the subject saying “If we give funding to Smalltown we really should give a proportion to Dullbridge. That’s how it always works.“
Leader of the BeFuddled group Cllr Banish Barracuda agreed, whispering “Yes, we should really. It’s only fair.”
However, Professional Fun Sponge Cllr Patsy Knickers disagreed saying “With the current cost of living crisis and climate emergency we shouldn’t really be giving away any money for frivolous events. Dullbridge Chamber of Trade haven’t requested any funding. If they’d wanted some they should have asked, but there’s no one here to represent their interests or give details about their switch on plans.”
Cllr McCads, in his role as Chairman of the Dullbridge Chamber of Trade, didn’t reply.
The upshot being that Dullbridge was not given any Town Council funding for a Christmas Light Switch on event. It is to be hoped that the single bulb Christmas Light won’t need replacing this year as there is no money to purchase a replacement.