Saturday will see the return of the ever-popular Smalltown Cheese Festival but this time there’s a twist! SomersetClive met up with the organisers to find out more.
Cheese impresario Margot Farmhouse-Kitchener told us “Visitors to the event will see a few changes this time, because we’ve decided to change the format from being purely a Cheese Festival. To be honest, we felt that the old-style Cheese Festival was getting a bit dated and we’ve run out of cheese puns, so felt the time was ripe for a change.
We toyed with the idea of a Cheese and Fish Festival, but Smalltown already has an excellent Wet Fish shop so we felt this isn’t really the plaice.”
Feliciry Farmhouse-Kitchener popped up to say “Yes! We kneaded something new! So we are proud to announce the first Smalltown Cheese Cake Festival!
It cakes us really happy to announce that we are bake in Smalltown – it’s going to be bigger and batter than ever before. It’s grate to be back in our home town, after several months of holding festivals around the South West. We’ve had muffin but praise for bringing local food to local people and we have big flans for this event. We hope to see crowds in Smalltown on Batterday, make sure you arrive early before it’s all scone.”
At this point your trusty reporter couldn’t take any more and left the room.