Horrorscopes with Mystic Mick

With the Harvestmouse moon looming in the sky this week it’s a chance for all you…

Somerset Field Award Winners announced

The Somerset branch of the National Association of Fields (NAF) has announced the winners of the…

Mayor opens cafe

Headmistress and Town Mayor, Councillor Kelsey Dullard, joined forces with Head of the Staffroom and Deputy…

Killjoy Council strikes again

For many years groups of dog owners have met up in Bream for an organised dog…


The annual Festival Of Graffiti Wall Art and Rap Noise Interwoven with Noisy Groups in Smalltown…

Smalltown Police react

The Smalltown Police Force has reacted to allegations from residents in Dullbridge of ‘bias’. The complaints…

What’s on

September will see 18 nights of varied entertainment at the Playtheatre in Easton-under-Water, with a full…