Spotters spotted spotting

A group of spotters were spotted in Smalltown this week, trying to spot something rare.

Local spotter, Patch Pimple, told SomersetClive “We had received reports that something incredibly unusual had been spotted in the Smalltown vicinity, so naturally we had to come along and check it out for ourselves.

Rumours had been circulating that a BeFuddled Party Town Councillor had been observed following the council’s standing orders and conducting meetings in the correct fashion. You know – discussing an agenda item, asking for a proposer and seconder and then taking a vote on the issue.

However, despite many of our group hanging around in the cold hoping to witness this in person, it quickly became apparent that the rumours were false and that the BeFuddled Party Councillors still don’t have a clue.

Many of the decisions taken recently haven’t followed the rules, with several items on the agenda accepted and passed without a vote even taking place. Admittedly it had been a long evening and everyone wanted to get home, but a couple of items on the agenda which covered requests for funding and support to hold meetings at King Ethelred’s School proposed by the Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Mayor and Headmistress, Councillor Kelsey Dullard were approved without even being discussed or voted on.

It’s a very sad state of affairs and almost makes the Illiberal Party Town Councillors look professional when compared to this bunch of amateurs.”

A spokesperson for Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council responded “Don’t ask us. We have no idea. “

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