Sadgebore officers ignore SaDTC. Again.

It has been confirmed that the planning officers at Sadgebore have ignored the views of both Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council and Smalltown residents and have recommended that the planning application from Hellhole Holiday Park to turn the site into a combined Disney and Dalstonbury theme park be approved.

Despite receiving 94 letters of objection and unanimous opposition from SaDTC Councillors, the officers have confirmed that blasting out loud music 24/7, combined with the sound of screaming, can only be seen as a ‘jolly good thing and entirely in keeping with Sadgebore Council’s idea of supporting the tourist industry in Smalltown’.

The planning applications will come before Sadgebore District Council’s Planning and Scheming Committee on Tuesday, when councillors will have to decide whether to heed the advice of officers or listen to the concerns of the many residents who fear their lives will be blighted if the applications are approved.

Behind the scenes, the Save Our Smalltown group have been busy motivating their members to contact the councillors on the committee, appealing to them to use their better judgement and turn down the applications.

A member of SaDTC will speak at the meeting to confirm the Council’s opposition and it is expected that Sadgebore District Councillors representing Smalltown and Dullbridge will also register their concerns.

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