Smalltown and Dullbridge Headmistress and Town Mayor Councillor Kelsey Dullard continued her tour of the area visiting two more groups who had offered her the opportunity to have cake and a lovely cup of tea.
“I had a lovely time during my visit to RAF Smalltown and Dullbridge to see the fun that the 94 Squadron cadets have. I was able to enjoy a lovely cup of tea and partake of a lovely slice of coffee cake.” Cllr Dullard said.
“On Saturday I visited a lovely fundraising Coffee Morning, held by the Smalltown Goose Ladies Circle, even though I don’t like coffee. The ladies kindly made me a lovely cup of tea and I was then invited to choose a cake from the cake stall. I selected a lovely looking Fairy Cake and I have to say it was lovely! Well done Ladies and keep up the good work.”
This brings the number of events attended by Mayor Dullard, since she took up her duties in mid May, to 94, which is 90 more visits than those made by Former Mayor and Professional Councillor, Mark Facelift during the period January to April.
SaD residents are certainly getting their money’s worth from Cllr. Dullard’s Mayoral Allowance, but then it is a long way to travel from Fridgpond to Smalltown for a cup of tea, so it’s understandable that Mark Facelift didn’t bother.