Man not-in-dress accused of corrupting children

A sparkly jumpsuit

A man notwearing a dress has been accused of corrupting the nation’s children.

Drag Queen, Verdi G Bee, has been reading stories to children in libraries across the country and is due to make an appearance at Smalltown Library in mid August.

However, the events have attracted protestors who are incensed by what they see as an attempt to corrupt and indoctrinate children.

Melanie (Melly) Tode told SomersetClive “It’s disgusting. This so-called drag queen reads stories to kiddies whilst dressed in a rainbow patterned, sequined jumpsuit and wig. What are we teaching our children? This can only lead to our kiddies asking questions about diversity and inclusion. It shouldn’t be allowed. Drag Queens should only wear dresses. It’s perverted.”

The protests have led to ugly scenes inside libraries as the narrow-minded protesters clash with families who just want to listen to a story.

Lorraine Normal told us “It was awful. We were listening to a lovely story about an ugly duckling who grows into a beautiful swan, when the protestors appeared. They were shouting obscenities, using language that no child needs to hear. The children gathered around listening were really upset and started crying. Eventually the police had to be called to remove the protestors. Which led to the children being even more upset.”

Melly continued “We stand by our decision to confront this sequined monstrosity and to call them whatever names we want. My little Vacuousleigh doesn’t need to be exposed to men not-wearing-dresses at her age. I stand by my rights to drag her along and use foul language in front of her.”

Verdi G Bee said “I’m looking forward to donning my sparkly jumpsuit and reading stories to the children of Smalltown. It’s not true that not-wearing-a-dress doesn’t qualify me to call myself a drag queen. Women wear jumpsuits too. Jumpsuits are an inclusive item of clothing.”

2 thoughts on “Man not-in-dress accused of corrupting children

  1. Smalltown has a long tradition of men in dresses. There was that chap who used to unicycle around in a tutu, and the Squire himself has donned a frock for ‘charity’ more than once. Then again, he has some very odd preferences…!

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