Competitor tries again in Smalltown Area Mud Meet

BARRED vehicle ompletely submerged

Not content with their previous rather poor entry in the Smalltown Area Stuck-in-the-Mud Meet, when only the vehicle wheels got stuck in the mud, the Bream Area Rescue Ranger and Enjoyment Dictator (BARRED) had yet another attempt to claim first prize in the annual competition.

Normally only open to visitors, the event sees car owners compete to get their vehicle bogged down in the mud and covered by as many incoming tides as possible before getting towed out. Spectators gather in droves to watch the drama unfold and there’s always a frisson of excitement as viewers wonder if the rescue services or tide will make it to the vehicle first.

Once again the BARRED had spotted children trying to paddle in the sea and drove along the beach to advise them that enjoyment is not permitted. Unfortunately he misjudged the fine line betwixt sand and mud and the shiny Sadgebore District Council vehicle got stuck.

Attempts were made by Smalltown Coastguard to dig the vehicle out, but it quickly became apparent that the sea was coming in too fast and the vehicle had to be abandoned.

It was brilliant. It’s what we come on holiday for.” said Sandra Muddle, from Brumingham, “they fought valiently to save the truck, but it was all in vain. The tide started lapping around the tyres and pretty soon the entire vehicle was submerged.

The watching crowd let out an enormous cheer as the roof of the truck disappeared from view. It really did make our holiday.”

Rescuers had to wait until the tide went out before being able to extricate the vehicle, which Sadgebore has declared a write-off.

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