SSSSStop Right Now. Thank you very much


Your trusty SomersetClive reporter has been doing some digging into a matter than has caused a number of local residents to furrow their brows.

Local good deed organisation the Smalltown Spinning Squadron (SSS) decided to make a payment from its fund raising to the Smalltown Shops (SS). Very-Very Important Person Lady Penelope Brassy of Easton-under-Water was seen flashing her pearly whites at the camera as she collected her bountiful presentation cheque in the sum of £394, at a recent SSS event.

This collaboration between SSS and SS is very unusual. The SSS generally does not support business and commercial activities. So why has the SS been a recipient of this largesse?

The Illiberal political leanings of the SS through its original LotsCrap founder Mistress Bones are well known. The only explanation of the actions of the SSS is that the President Elect is Illiberal Councillor, Al deValues.

It seems this is another local case of it’s not what you know, but who you know.

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