Don’t panic

The SomersetClive website will be offline for a few days due to our migration south to…

Fundraising fun

Smalltown Small People’s School has begun fundraising to raise money for a new defibrillator which will…

Smalltown to rival New York

The Blitz Social Club has submitted an application to install an outdoor cinema screen in George…

Town Council incommunicado

Several readers have contacted SomersetClive to tell of the difficulties they’ve encountered when trying to contact…

‘Love in a Smalltown’

The story so far…Squire Teflon has helped Mistress Bones with funding for her dream to bring…

What’s on… Rave reviews for comedy

Classic television show ‘House of Commons’ has opened to rave reviews in Smalltown and Dullbridge! A…

Lucky escape for Smalltown and Dullbridge residents

Residents of Smalltown and Dullbridge had a lucky escape at the weekend after news emerged that…

The Smalltown pub which would be at home in Las Vegas

SomersetClive Editor, Clive Saint, has been visiting the pubs of Smalltown so that you don’t have…

Mayor welcomes entrants

Headmistress and Town Mayor, Kelsey Dullard, welcomed competitors in the Peachy Dick Trial to Smalltown on…

Thousands crowd hill

Thousands of people were spotted climbing a hill near Smalltown on Sunday, with local resident Arrthur…