Mistress Bones on Lady Brassy in her own words:

Following the recent fallout between Smalltown Shops supremos Mistress Bones and Lady Brassy of Easton-under-Water, we managed to track down Squire Teflon’s close friend, Mistress Bones, and she gave us the following statement.

“This has been a burden in my life for a few years now and I have finally gotten to the bottom of it. For a few years now someone who I trusted to follow me on my personal AceCrook account has been consistently informing SomersetClive of my private posts and stories.

“There has been so much information given to them about me, my friends and my family – all without my permission or knowledge. After a long time of trying to figure out who it could be, for various reasons, I had a suspicion.

To try and prove this I came up with an idea. I blocked everyone from viewing my AceCrook stories except one account (Those on my private account must have been wondering why I haven’t had stories on there for a while.) Over the past five months I have posted a series of false stories to see if they made their way into SomersetClive.

And you know what they did!

The story about my Easter chocolate covered romp with Squire Teflon in GW Hurling, visiting nursing homes in Smalltown Posh to provide assistance with postal votes, as well as my decision to provide free buns for all at the forthcoming Titanium Jubilee.

“It’s been tough keeping it to myself and not making any comment at all, especially when the stories have been leaked, however I had to. Now I know for certain which account it’s come from. I have saved and screenshotted all the original stories which clearly show just one person has viewed them.

…It’s Lady Penelope Brassy of Easton-under-Water’s account.

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