Having taken over Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council the BeFuddled Party has announced that they plan to apply for permission for a change of use for the former lunatic asylum premises in Hayloft Road.
“We want to be able to provide more help for local town councillors and at the same time ensure the future of Hayloft Road Palace. To achieve this, our chairperson Banish Barracuda, will use his work place experience to open ‘The SaD Retirement Home for Bemused and Bewildered BeFuddled Ex-Teachers’.
“With so many of our current crop of Councillors being either retired or teachers or both, this seems like an ideal use for the property.
We will also offer places to retired Illiberal Party members. Mainly because town visitor and semi-professional Councillor, Mark Facelift, is already in residence and we are unable to evict sitting tenants. As living in Hayloft Road is his only tie to the area it would seem rather cruel to turf him out onto the streets to fend for himself, especially since our research shows that former-Mayors can turn feral quite quickly.
We don’t want the residents of Smalltown or Dullbridge to have to come face to face with Facelift foraging for food.”