Mistress goes behind the Squire’s back

The current Illiberal Party manifesto pours scorn on the BeFuddled Party’s promise of ‘Free Bun Fridays’ and the SADISTs offer of ‘Free Buns Tuesday and Thursday’, declaring that there will be ‘absolutely NO free buns for anyone, because there isn’t enough money left in the Town Council coffers, because we’ve spent it all on the White Elephant Enclosure. ‘.

However, Squire Teflon’s close friend, Mistress Bones, has done a massive U-Turn on this policy be declaring that there will be ‘Free Buns for ALL’ as part of the Smalltown Shops (SS) Titanium Jubilee celebrations.

“Anyone who turns up on the day to help us show the Smalltown Chamber of Trade (SCOT) what an enormously successful event the SS have organised wil receive a complimentary bun to show our appreciation.”

It is not yet known if SCOT also plan to offer free buns as an incentive for residents and visitors to attend their events, but if they do then it could wel turn into a re-run of the opposing factions’ Smalltown Christmas event, which became famed for the ‘Mince Pie Mountains’.

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