All three rescue services in Smalltown were on high alert over the busy Easter Bank Holiday weekend, each vying to be the first on scene to warn visitors of the dangers that lurk at the seaside.
“On Saturday we were called out to a person stuck in the mud on Smalltown beach” said a spokesperson for Smalltown Coastguard. “Some how word got out and as we readied our team we noticed an increased amount of activity in the Smalltown Area Ship Hovercraft and Helicopter (SMASHH) building next door as they towed their Hovercraft out.
As we headed out of the door to we noticed that they were following us and it became a race to see who would reach the victim first. As we neared the beach we spotted the crew from the Really Needed Lifesaving Association (RNLA), with their lifeboat, also heading along the sea front in the same direction.
By the time we all converged on the beach the person had managed to extract themself from the mud, so we gave them a safety talk and told them not to do it again. All crews then returned to their bases to hose down their equipment and have a nice cup of tea. SMASHH also had biscuits, but didn’t share them.
On Sunday evening we were notified of reports of eight people trapped on Bream Down. Once again we headed out and were joined by Easton-under-Water Lifeboat. On arrival a member of the trapped group shouted “Go away. We are a climbing club. We know what we are doing.” Nevertheless we told them off for enjoying themselves and reminded them that cliffs and climbing can be jolly dangerous if you haven’t received the appropriate training from the Coastguard.“
On Monday the Coastguard and Smalltown RNLA were called out to rescue a dog.