At the recent Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council White Elephant Enclosure (SaDWEE) Mismanagement Committee meeting councillors were treated to an update from the Smalltown Culture and Arts Manager (SCAM).
Handing out pairs of rose-tinted spectacles to the assembled councillors before delivering her report, the SCAM said “These will help you understand what I’m saying.”
“Since the last meeting back in November 2021, the WEE has welcomed around 2,500 people through the doors which, coincidentally is the exact number that I predicted it would be back in November. This equates to 125 people a week (including performers, back stage crew and staff) using the facilities that the WEE has to offer.
Our website is seeing over 3000 visits per month, which means that far more people visit the website than actually come to the WEE.
In summary we have seen a 100% increase in usage compared to the same period last year, when the WEE was closed due to the Omegavirus pandemic.”
Members of the committee agreed that this showed that the WEE was a resounding success.
Cllr Jock McCads tried once again to raise the subject of the refurbishment of the toilets, which he claims are in dire need of replacement, but was ignored in favour of discussing the current major priority – deciding the fate of the painting which used to hang above the staircase.
As the meeting concluded Councillors handed their rose-tinted spectacles back to the SCAM and celebrated with takeaway pizza.