At a pre-election meeting of prospective illiberal candidates, Squire Teflon and his close friend Mistress Bones, introduced a new solemn declaration as part of initiation into their cult:
I vow to thee, my party
Our Mistress from above
The Squire, whole and perfect
The service of their love
Our members asks no questions
The cash across the desk
The newspapers on the counter
The dearest and the BEST
The white elephant that falters
The rink without the ice
The jamboree extortion
The final sacrifice
SomersetClive has learned that three well known illiberals, Cllrs PennyFarthing, Barking and Handy Bodge declined to subscribe to the solemn declaration.
As a result, the rebellious trio were dismissed from their posts without notice. Remaining illiberal cult members declined to comment to your intrepid reporter.